

The Festival

The African international festival is an annual event with a unique touch of rich African culture shown in dance, play, fashion, movies, literature etc projecting core African values to the world. The festival will showcase documentarians from across the globe whose story has influenced a lot in Africa. AFIDF will have a huge representation of the African film industry with business hubs in the overall. The scope will cover over 30 countries participating annually from across Africa, Europe, Asia, Caribbean,Australia, North and South America.

The Process

The festival’s schedule is drawn to run for about 3 quarters annually with lots of engaging programmes. We have a three (3) part process which includes; Pre-Festival, Festival, and Post Festival Events. This schedule is designed to meet essential goals of the festival.AFIDF aims to host a series of events prior to the commencement of the festival. Here is a list of those events.

Documentary Box Workshop

Our workshop (DBW) is a well-structured, participatory and exhaustive educative programme that teaches aspiring and emerging documentarians, filmmakers and journalists critical aspects of film making and documentary production. This initiative is geared towards the growth of documentary films and digital media workforce development of young people in the film industry in Africa and the rest of the world. The training is scheduled for 3 weeks during which trainees are exposed to major aspects of filmmaking. This training done at DBW is designed to develop technical competences in film making for all registered trainees.

Documentary Screening

Call for entry is announced by AFIDF

Documentaries are taken through a thorough step screening process; to ensure all entries meet the required standards of AFIDF.

Documentaries are screened by AFIDF Screening Faculty and Jurors drawn from all over the globe

International Press Conference

This is held after the documentary screening is done. Shortlisted names of documentarians, contents and categories will be publicly released through a conference and published on the official festival website.


African International Documentary Summit

This summit is held a day before the Nomination party. Stakeholders, Filmmakers, journalists and documentarians will have an annual convergence to discuss major themes, issues and solution concerning the growth and development of documentaries of African stories and events. This event will feature, panelists, networking, professionals, African arts, displays and entertainment.

Nomination Party

A grand exotic and glamorous dinner event will be held in honour of the nominees shortlisted for the categories in contention and the theme of that year’s festival released officially to the public. This party is scheduled to hold in cities within the United States or Africa except stated otherwise by the organizers.

Festival Dinner

The festival dinner heralds the commencement of the festival activities outlined annually. During the dinner event, there will be a rich display of African cultures and the symbol of the festival (Mace) will be unveiled ceremoniously.

Documentary Carnival/Road Show

The first day of AFIDF will have a special activity called Documentary Carnival. This carnival/road-show will showcase music, dance, and lots of costume parade by invited troupes showcasing diverse cultures and heritage. The major highlight will see the Festival Symbol (Mace) paraded with pride as the symbol of the festival.

Festival Workshop

The AFIDF will help registered and interested participants who require crash training during the duration of the festival. This is a 5-day compact and technical training that will be of immense value to participants and will further project the objectives of the festival.

Screening of Nominated Documentaries

AFIDF screening council and juror will screen shortlisted documentaries in the listed categories to know the overall best before the Award event.


One of the features of the AFIDF is the exhibition. Stakeholders, corporate bodies and entrepreneurs from across the globe duly registered, will have an exhibition boot in their name to display and sell products and services.

The exhibition will be opened to African and International brands to display their products and services during the entire duration of the festival, creating a distinctive networking that will further their business operations.

The exhibition will last for the entire 7 days of the festival.


AFRICA HQ: Suite 9 Shema Office Complex, Ahmadu Bello Way, Jahi, Abuja.

EUROPE: 5B, Eastpoint Apt. Near East Blv. Nicosia. North Cyprus

USA: 440 #12 Logan Place Newport News, VA 23601

ART & CRAFT VILLAGE: Suite A22, Plot No. 1519, Cadastral Zone A00, Central Area. Abuja

Email: info@afidff.org

Tel: +234 818 122 23 33


Our Partner Countries

United States of America
United States of America